What to Consider Before Sealing a Sulcata Sales Deal

  1. They are endangered species. Sulcata tortoises are desert animals, and there is a serious encroachment on their habitat, which threatens their survival. Available stock is mostly from captivity breeds.
  1. Sulcata tortoises are the third-largest tortoise on earth; The tiny Sulcata tortoise hatchling could grow to become a 200-pound animal. When buying, you should prepare for the long haul.
  1. Male Sulcata tortoises can be temperamental; Though they are gentle animals, they could fight to death sometimes.

  2. They can weigh up to 200 pounds.; Don't ever think a Sulcata tortoise will always be indoors. It would be best if you got ready for a wider, more convenient grassland to forage and get sunshine.
  1. Sulcata tortoises can lay up to 100 eggs in a year; You have to decide if you want to be a breeder or want a pet without the trouble of making babies.
  1. Sulcata tortoises can get into a fight; You don't mix different species of tortoises to avoid fighting. Also, sexual competition can be brutal where the males compete for a female.
  1. Provide access to sunshine and food rich in calcium; Sulcata tortoises are prone to metabolic health issues. Without sunshine and a healthy diet, it is a loaded gun of trouble waiting to trigger.
  1. Sulcata tortoises must get sunshine daily; They need sunshine to keep their shell healthy.